Equality and Diversity

At Menfor Group, we have a strong, long-held commitment to eliminating discrimination, promoting diversity across the business and providing equal opportunities for all. We demonstrate this commitment through our employment policies, practices and procedures, building in measures to ensure our workforce is truly representative of all sections of society. Our aim is to ensure that every person who works for Menfor Group feels respected, valued and empowered to give their best.

It’s a core part of what Menfor Group does, and every single employee of the organisation is always encouraged to meet their full potential and talents, enabling them to maximise their input into the Menfor organisation.

Employee Responsibilities

All employees of Menfor Group have a duty to understand and meet the requirements of our Equality and Diversity Policy, ensuring its effectiveness to create equal opportunities and prevent discrimination in all its forms.

We take a strong approach when it comes to the policy and will take disciplinary action against any employee who breaches the guidelines, with serious breaches treated as gross misconduct.

Menfor Group understands that the success of a comprehensive, robust equality and diversity programme relies on our workforce putting the policies into practice – and that’s why we make it a core part of training for all employees.

What Our Policy Covers

In order to ensure protection and support across all areas, Menfor Group’s Equality and Diversity Policy covers the following areas, with attendant training provided:

  • Gender and Gender Reassignment
  • LGBT Community
  • Race and Ethnic Origin
  • Pregnancy
  • Disability
  • Age
  • Nationality and National Origin
  • Religion or Belief
  • Martial Status and Civil Partnerships
  • Social Class

All employees of Menfor Group have a right to expect fair, equal treatment, always coming from a place of respect. Whether part-time, full-time or temporary, selection for employment, training and advancement will always arise from the worker’s aptitude and ability – and nothing else.

Menfor Group’s Commitment

  • Ensuring our Equality and Diversity Policies meet the highest standards and those our clients
  • All employees – no matter their position – have a right to a working environment that affords all workers dignity and respect, with no trace of intimidation, bullying or harassment.
  • Ensuring Menfor Group’s Equality and Diversity Policy meets legal standards and obligations under equal opportunities legislation and complies with Codes of Practice provisions.
  • Creating a work environment where the unique differences and contributions of all workers are valued and respected.
  • Breaches of the Equality and Diversity Policy are seen as misconduct and can, potentially, lead to disciplinary action.
  • We will make an annual review – alongside periodic monitoring – of our Equality and Diversity Policy.

The enforcement of Menfor Group’s Equality and Diversity Policy is the responsibility of the Managing Director. It’s their job to gauge the effectiveness of the overall policy and any additional initiatives and drives. Working alongside the Manging Director, it is the role of Directors and Managers to oversee and feedback on the implementation of new policy initiatives.

At the same time, our workforce also has a vital role to play in instilling and maintaining our Equality and Diversity Policy, and all have a duty to promote an equal, fair work environment and avoid discrimination.

Menfor Group’s Equality and Diversity Policy works within the frameworks of the Equality Act 2010 and its associated acts, including:

  • The Employment Act 1989
  • The Employment Equality (Religion of Belief) Regulations 2003
  • The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003

These regulations and acts cover a range of forms of discrimination and other issues, including: harassment, harassment by a third-party, indirect discrimination, associative discrimination, perceptive discrimination, direct discrimination, pay secrecy and much more.

A successful, far-reaching Equality and Diversity Policy can only work if the responsibilities of workers all levels of the organisation fulfil their obligations, and that’s why Menfor Group conducts continuous improvements to the policy via monitoring and annual review.