LGBT+ is an abbreviation for ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and other’ and refers to the broad spectrum of terminology people may use to define their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
Menfor Group is proud to be an equal opportunities employer with a diverse workforce from a range of demographics and backgrounds. Menfor Group does not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. The protection and wellbeing of LGBT+ employees, amongst other groups, is a priority.
Menfor Group recognises the advent of new terminology and visibility regarding LGBT+ people, and the need for company policy to reflect these social and political changes.
Menfor Group is committed to promoting a culture of inclusion and respect and to tackling the consequences of how one’s sexuality and/or gender identity can be negatively perceived and responded to by others.
Due to the stigma and the lack of awareness which continues to surround LGBT+ people, Menfor Group is taking proactive steps to both protect our employees who identify as LGBT+, and to educate our wider workforce about LGBT+ experiences and rights.
Menfor Group will provide support and guidance on their LGBT+ policy and plan to all tiers of our supply chain.
Only by integrating the strengths and efforts of our employees, partners and supply chain members will we be able to maintain a culture of respect and high-quality service, as well as leading the way in inclusivity and diversity initiatives.